The final 9 songs of Paste Magazine’s top 50 from 2010. Yesterday, we started with number 50 (start here) and truthfully, there were only a couple of nuggets until we got up to the teens. This morning tells a different tale. Everything’s been three stars and above, stars given out from me with no particular rubric.
If you picked up and followed these threads, throw a comment on a particular track in the comments or mention something on Facebook. Without further interruption, the final nine …
9. Titus Andronicus - “A More Perfect Union”
This song warms up to you, no doubt aided by some killer guitar rifts 1:10 into the song. The tip of the hat to the “cruel New England weather” was a nice touch. Two chords in I wondered how this got into the top 10, but having listened to the song three times now I’m a believer. This would rock in a concert.
8. Preservation Hall Jazz Band with Tom Waits - “Tootie Ma is a Big Fine Thing”
Who said big band is dead? Not these guys.
7. The National - “Bloodbuzz Ohio”
Hi. 5 Stars. Nuf said.
6. LCD Soundsystem - “Dance Yrself Clean”
Masha and I were talking about this one. It doesn’t seem like a top 10. This song is blasé until 3:10 but that seems a long time to wait for non-blasé to kick in. When it does kick in, it’s a lot of electronica and yelling. Seems like the whole thing could’ve been condensed into a 2 minute version.
5. Frightened Rabbit - “Swim Until You Can’t See Land”
I can picture the bar singing this song in unison, pints of Guinness held high, little Nick making with Mary in the corner and everyone happy.
4. Sleigh Bells - “Tell ‘Em”
Might be the toughest one yet to rate. Emotionally charged song, not much melody, but a lot of percussion and timed vocals. Really funky dance club high. I’ve tuned it up a couple of times so it has to be catchy.
3. Janelle Monae - “Tightrope”
Another tune I’d easily put on repeat.
2. Mumford & Sons - “Little Lion Man”
This album has been on repeat … for the last 6 weeks. Oh little star of Bethlehem … 5 times to these UK triumphs.
1. Cee Lo Green - “Fuck You”
Well, here we are. And you didn’t let me down Paste. I’m headed to lunch now, project done. I’ll be humming fuck you all afternoon. And thanks 2010. You were good to me.