I tend to block out Sarah Palin. She’s loud and annoying and frankly does an injustice to grizzly bears, who up until this year were a proud species. But then she went and messed with unicorns. Nobody in the Gosselin household disparages unicorns. It’s an unwritten rule. If Amelie, my four year found out, she’d be really upset. After all, she’s going as a unicorn for Halloween this year. And we do a unicorn story every night.
Ok, so here is mamma bear’s quote:
California would need to create more than four million jobs over the next 10 years to keep up. Does anyone seriously think that the liberal policies of Pelosi and Reid and Obama -- heck a Boxer and a Brown -- are going to be able to turn this around and get the job done. They act like they're permanent residents of a unicorn ranch in fantasyland if they really think they're gonna be able to turn it around with the liberal policies they have to continue, and you know, it's pixie dust.
She’s right about the jobs. I’ve been saving a graph in my back pocket and now it’s perfect save-the-unicorn arming material. The Washington Post has an awesome interactive feature which shows just how many jobs we’ve lost since the start of the Great Recession and what it would take to get back to full employment. The interactive feature is cool, the job losses staggering. http://goo.gl/YlsH
I’m pretty sure I know the policies that the Democrats would use to fix the problem: infrastructure improvements, stimulus spending in clean energy jobs, focuses on exports.
What exactly would the furry creatures over there in grizzly land propose? Well, princess fuzzy herself doesn’t really offer an ideas (other than to disparage the great winged white unicorn). So I’ll go to my Pledge to America pocket card to find out how Boehner and the Republicans plan to get job growth to 6%.
And there it is. The massive proposal for stimulating the economy and generating 6% job growth is …
- Permanently stop all job-killing tax hikes
- Give small businesses a tax deduction equal to 20% of their business income
- Rein in red tape
- Repeal job-killing mandates
Which is to say an Obama-style stimulus plan (remember the stimulus plan was 30% tax breaks) plus ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER PLAN ON CREATING NEW JOBS. It’s right there in the GOP “plan”.
No new energy jobs plan.
No new exporting job plan.
No new transportation plan.
Nothing about how our population is aging and how immigration could generate jobs.
They’re plan will “continue to lead the fight against terrorism with a plan to keep terrorists out of America.” Actual quote. Well, that’s good i guess.
Here’s where I wish I could see a media clip of an elegant unicorn stick (that’s what Amelie calls the horn) impaling a loud, stupid bear. OMG, it actually exists. This wikipedia article is hilarious. http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Bears_vs._Unicorns_Conflict I’m stealing the picture for the end of this post.
i heart unicorns.